Y1 Page

A warm welcome to all families, carers and children to the Year 1 class page. This page will be used as a way to ensure that you are receiving the most up-to-date information about your child’s learning and what is happening around school.

If you have any questions, please find further contact details below.


1 Spencer

1 Spencer

Miss Tope: Class Teacher


1 Tull

1 Tull

Mrs Hartsema, Mrs Roper: Class Teacher


1 Crick

1 Crick

Miss Morpeth: Class Teacher


Important information -The School Day

The school gates are open for all children form 8:30am. Registration will be taken at 8:40am and learning will begin immediately after this. It is vital that all children are on time to school so that they do not miss important learning.

All children will need to bring the following to school each day:

  • Their reading book
  • A named water bottle
  • A named coat
  • A packed lunch (if required)
  • A bookbag (including phonics books and library book)

Children in Year 1 are to be collected from school at 3:10pm on the main playground.

Home Learning

In Year 1 we expect children to be reading at home for a minimum of 3 times per week.

The children will have two books to take home with them to read – a phonics book and a library chosen book.

The children will also have a weekly spelling assignment set via spelling shed.
Toddler reading clipart collection - Clipartix


Year 1 will have two sessions of PE a week. Please can all children wear their PE kits (plain white top, jogging bottoms and trainers) every Tuesday and Wednesday.

pe class clipart 10 free Cliparts | Download images on Clipground 2021

What makes Year 1 different?

Year 1 is an exciting time for children. The children are now of statutory school age and the curriculum changes from that of the Foundation Stage. At Moulton Primary, we offer your child a curriculum that provides a smooth transition into the primary curriculum.

Throughout Year 1, we will slowly embed the KS1 routines and develop children’s ability to sustain longer working periods.

In Year 1 the children develop more independence and are expected to undertake more formal tasks. We follow the national curriculum which will expose the children to a wide variety of subjects. We have high expectation for outcomes and presentation for all of our children. The children will begin to use exercise books for all areas of the curriculum.


Writing in Year 1

Our English curriculum exposes the children to a range of high-quality texts through both reading and writing.

Grammatical skills are taught throughout the year as part of our English lessons. These include skills such as:

  • Leaving finger spaces between words.
  • Join words using the word ‘and’
  • Use capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks.
  • Begin to turn words into plurals.
Reading in Year 1

Reading is such an important life skill and we want all children to develop a love reading. Reading is all about sharing books together – this can be through hearing your child read as well as reading to them, talking about books and allowing children to develop their vocabulary stamina and knowledge around them.

In Year 1 we will read a range of texts within lessons through our dedicated reading times.

St James C of E Junior School: Accelerated Reader

At Moulton we give all children a strong foundation with reading to enable them to develop a secure ability to read confidently and fluently for pleasure. We follow Little Wandle for our phonics scheme.

From the beginning of school, children are taught to read individual sounds, blending and decoding these within simple words. Following this, moving onto digraphs and trigraphs and learning the corresponding graphemes for each, using these skills to apply to reading a wide range of texts and building comprehension skills. Phonics lessons are taught daily and children are regularly monitored and assessed to ensure all children make good progress.

Children will each have a phonics related book that is suited to their corresponding level and these books are firstly shared in class and are then sent home.

Below are some of the example texts that we will be exploring this year.


Children in Year 1 have a daily phonics session. Click on the links and videos below to help support your child with learning to read.

Phase 5 Sounds - How do you pronounce them?

Click on the link below to watch a video that explains all about the Phase 5 Sounds that children in Year 1 learn about.

Phase 5 Video  

Tricky Words - look at what tricky words we will be learning about in Year 1


Over the course of the year, children in Year 1 will increase their knowledge of sounds. They will learn the alternative sounds for the different digraphs.

Click on this overview Overview to find out what the children will be learning.


In Year 1, the children are given multiple opportunities to improve their fluency and reasoning skills through some maths games. Have a go at playing some of these games at home.




Hit the button - This is a great site to practice number bonds, doubling and halving.





Herts for Learning Maths Games - Watch other useful maths games that can be played at home.





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