Y2 Page

A warm welcome to all families, carers and children to the Year 2 class page. This page will be used as a way to ensure that you are receiving the most up-to-date information about your child’s learning and what is happening around school.

If you have any questions, please find further contact details below.


2 Spencer

Miss Cutts: Class Teacher


2 Tull

Miss Bromley: Class Teacher


2 Crick

Mr Ledger: Class Teacher


Important information -The School Day

The school gates are open for all children from 8:30am. Registration will be taken at 8:40am and learning will begin immediately after this. It is vital that all children are on time to school so that they do not miss important learning.

All children will need to bring the following to school each day:

  • Their reading wallet (reading books and record inside)
  • A named water bottle
  • A named coat
  • A packed lunch (if required)

Children in Year 2 are to be collected from school at 3:10pm.

Home Learning

In Year 2, we expect children to read aloud to an adult at home a minimum of 3 times per week. This will help ensure that they are continuing to develop as confident, fluent readers. The children will change their reading books every Monday.

Please ensure your child brings their reading wallet to school every day.

Toddler reading clipart collection - Clipartix


Year 2 will have two sessions of PE a week. These will be every Monday and Wednesday.

Please can all children wear their PE kits to school (plain white top, jogging bottoms and trainers).

Jasmine | real gym

What makes Year 2 different?

Year 2 is a milestone year in your child’s school journey. The children are coming to the end of their years in KS1 and are on the cusp of entering KS2.

Year 2 provides them with the opportunity to practise and embed everything they have learnt so far, whilst allowing them to explore a new practical, creative curriculum. They then discover a variety of skills and strategies which helps them to apply and secure new knowledge in a wider range of areas.

Our biggest focus is building your child’s confidence, and developing that all important independence for learning, all while providing fun, engaging and motivating lessons for our young learners. As staff, we pride ourselves on making Year 2 a year to remember!

Writing in Year 2

Our English curriculum exposes the children to a range of high-quality books through reading, role play and writing. The English is carefully planned so that the children can explore the book, respond to it in a variety of ways and gradually build up to a big writing outcome at the end. The books help us to explore a range of written outcomes such as narratives, letters, diaries, instructions and non-fiction writing. Using a book as a stimulus means that the children are highly engaged and motivated to write, as well as being supported by the text and/or pictures too. It also provides the children with a range of rich, adventurous vocabulary that they can use in their own writing as well.

In Year 2, the children will continue to practise the key writing skills they were developing in Year 1. This includes using full stops and capital letters, writing in Kinetic Letters, using spaces between words, using the conjunction ‘and’ to join two sentences together and using phonics to make plausible attempts at spelling.

The main spelling, punctuation and grammar skills that will be taught and consolidated this year include:

- using conjunctions more regularly

- apostrophes for possession and contraction

- commas to separate items in a list

- expanded noun phrases for description

- four different types of sentences: statement, command, question and exclamation

Reading in Year 2

Reading is such an important skill and the effect it has on child development, learning and progress is vastly proven through research. In Year 2, children continue to develop their love of reading through being exposed to a wide range of books, including fiction, picture books, non-fiction, poetry and e-books. These are all read for pleasure, as well as learning, as our aim is to foster enthusiastic, passionate readers for life.

Reading happens every day in Year 2 and this gives the children the opportunity to hone in on their phonics skills that they learnt in Early Years and Year 1. We continue to practise decoding, prosody (expression) and fluency, developing the children’s vocabulary and knowledge of reading.  As more children complete the phonics scheme, focus begins to shift more directly to comprehension skills where strategies for retrieval and inference are taught. We encourage and build on the children’s stamina for longer reading and promote the importance of self-checking words to ensure the meaning of the text is clear.

Picture of kids reading clip art - Cliparting.com

At Moulton we give all children a strong foundation with reading to enable them to develop a secure ability to read confidently and fluently for pleasure. We follow Little Wandle for our phonics scheme.

From the beginning of school, children are taught to read individual sounds, blending and decoding these within simple words. Following this, moving onto digraphs and trigraphs and learning the corresponding graphemes for each, using these skills to apply to reading a wide range of texts and building comprehension skills. Phonics lessons are taught daily and children are regularly monitored and assessed to ensure all children make good progress.

Children will each have a phonics related book that is suited to their corresponding level and these books are firstly shared in class and are then sent home.

Below are some of the example texts that we will be exploring this year.

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