Y3 Page

A warm welcome to all families, carers and children to the Year 3 class page. This page will be used as a way to ensure that you are receiving the most up-to-date information about your child’s learning and what is happening around school.

If you have any questions, please find further contact details below.


3 Spencer

Mrs Peart: Class Teacher


3 Tull

Mrs Ofori-Attah: Class Teacher


3 Crick

Mr McAvoy: Class Teacher


Important information -The School Day

The school gates are open for all children from 8:30am. Registration will be taken at 8:50am and learning will begin immediately after this. It is vital that all children are on time to school so that they do not miss important learning.

All children will need to bring the following to school each day:

  • Their reading book
  • A named water bottle
  • A named coat (weather dependent)
  • A packed lunch (if required)

Children in Year 3 are to be collected from school at 3:20pm

Please inform the office if you have made alternative arrangements for your child for the end of the day.

Home Learning

In Year 3 we expect children to be reading at home for a minimum of 3 times per week. Please ask questions about what they’re reading. This will encourage your child to think deeply about their reading, whether they’re reading aloud or independently. A fun way to encourage expression is to use silly voices – and even to make the occasional deliberate mistake – as allowing your child to correct you helps them to see why certain punctuation changes the way we read aloud.

Times table rock stars – children should be on times table rock stars for at least one hour per week.

Gruppe von Kindern lernen - Download Kostenlos Vector, Clipart Graphics ...


Year 3 will have two sessions of PE a week.

Please can all children wear their PE kits (plain white top, black jogging bottoms or shorts and trainers) every Monday and Wednesday.

Jasmine | real PE

What makes Year 3 different?

Year 3 is an important year as children transition into Key Stage 2. The children have been in education for a number of years and have a basic understanding of the school routing and what is expected of them.


In Key Stage 1, a lot of the children’s learning has been heavily supported by adults. In Year 3, we place a lot more emphasis on the children becoming independent and self-motivated learners, laying a foundation for the rest of their primary school life. They will begin to develop in their maturity and are expected to communicate in more detail about their learning. We will also be expecting children to be able to communicate difficulties with their social situations and take a greater sense of personal responsibility.

In Year 3, the children have the exciting opportunity to participate in a strings project. The children will be able to learn to play a stringed instrument such as the violin, viola and cello.

Writing in Year 3

Our English curriculum exposes the children to a range of high-quality texts through both reading and writing.

The writing is carefully planned so that the children can explore a range of different text types and gradually build up to writing their own versions, with careful attention towards audience and purpose. The children will also explore subject specific vocabulary and will have the opportunity to edit and improve their writing.

The main areas of grammar that will be taught this year include:

  • expressing time, place and cause using conjunctions, prepositions and adverbs
  • using paragraphs to group ideas
  • using headings and subheadings
  • using inverted commas to punctuate speech
Reading in Year 3

In Year 3, we will read a range of texts within lessons. We choose texts that will not only develop fluency comprehension skills but will continue to develop a love of reading.

By the end of the year, we aim for all children to be reading with more fluency and prosody. We are looking for children to be able to make links securely between texts they read at school and others they enjoy at home.

Picture of kids reading clip art - Cliparting.com

Below are some of the example texts that we will be exploring this year.

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