Y5 Page

A warm welcome to all families, carers and children to the Year 5 class page. This page will be used as a way to ensure that you are receiving the most up-to-date information about your child’s learning and what is happening around school.

If you have any questions, please find further contact details below.


5 Spencer

Miss Mander: Class Teacher

Mrs Goldsmith: Teaching Assistant

5 Tull

Miss Riglar: Class Teacher

Mrs Smith: Teaching Assistant

5 Crick

Miss Swan: Class Teacher

Mrs White-Peralta: Teaching Assistant

Important information -The School Day

The school gates are open for all children form 8:30am. Registration will be taken at 8:50am and learning will begin immediately after this. It is vital that all children are on time to school so that they do not miss important learning.

All children will need to bring the following to school each day:

  • Their reading book
  • A named water bottle
  • A named coat
  • A packed lunch (if required)

Children in Year 5 are to be collected from school at 3:20pm.

If you are happy for your child to walk home from school on their own, then please inform the office.

Home Learning

In Year 5, we expect children to be reading at home for a minimum of 3 times per week.

Times table rock stars – children should be on times table rock stars for at least one hour per week.

Children in Year 5 will also work their way through homework books and either an English or maths task will be set on a weekly basis.

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In the first autumn term Year 5 will have one swimming session and one PE session every week. Please can all children wear their PE kits (plain white top, jogging bottoms and trainers) on their swimming day and on their PE day.

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What makes Year 5 different?

Year 5 is an opportunity to embed all of the knowledge learnt in lower Key Stage 2. It is expected that all the foundations of learning are now well embedded and children are supported to apply their knowledge in a more creative way. In Year 5, children gain greater independence and confidence from being given more responsibility in their learning.

Writing in Year 5

Our English curriculum exposes the children to a range of high-quality texts through both reading and writing. In writing, new punctuation is introduced (such as brackets, dashes and commas to indicate parenthesis). There is also a greater emphases on grammatical features too (modal verbs and relative clauses).

The English is carefully planned so that the children can explore a range of different text types and gradually build up to writing their own versions, with careful attention towards audience and purpose. The children will also explore subject specific vocabulary and will have the opportunity to edit and improve their writing.

The main areas of grammar that will be taught this year include:

  • Relative clauses (beginning with who, which, where, why, whose, that).
  • Indicating degress of possibility using modal verbs (e.g. should, could, might) or adverbs (e.g. surely, perhaps).
  • Devices to build cohesion within a paragraph (e.g. then, after, that, this, firstly).
  • Linking ideas across paragraphs using adverbials of time (e.g. later), place (e.g. nearby) and number (e.g firstly).
  • Bracket, dashes or commas to indicate parenthesis.
  • Use of commas to clarify meaning or avoid ambiguity.
Reading in Year 5

Reading is such an important life skill and we want all children to develop a love reading as well as develop their reading comprehension skills. Reading is all about sharing books together – this can be through hearing your child read as well as reading to them, talking about books and allowing children to develop their vocabulary stamina and knowledge around them.

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Below are some of the example texts that we will be exploring this year.

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