
To ensure all SEND children understand themselves and are able to celebrate diversity, respect and the value of others in all communities.

Our SEND children are given every opportunity to build the vital background knowledge required to learn about and understand the world that they live in, so that they can flourish and reach their potential and in turn, develop local, national and global awareness. We enable all SEND students to revisit the same concepts constantly in order to build knowledge, skills, confidence and independence. This enables them to be successful citizens of their future world. Having a curriculum that is designed with an understanding that the working memory is limited and that we can aid learning and the acquisition of the long term memory with regular repeated learning experiences over time is fundamental. It is important that learning is ambitious and progressive for all learners recognising that all our children have a greater opportunity become creative thinkers or to have a greater depth of understanding. Offering rich and vibrant opportunities which draw upon meaningful real-life experiences ensures that SEND children gain an insight into the world as a foundation for their learning.



All learners will have access to quality first teaching.  Vulnerable learners will have access to carefully adaptive activities or approaches directly related to the school curriculum which are part of our good practice in making teaching and learning accessible to pupils learning at different rates.  Where a teacher is concerned by a child’s progress, an Intervention Request is submitted to the SENDCo where next steps are discussed and implemented.  This could take the form of individual assessments, observations and discussions with class teachers, teaching assistants and the child.  Appropriate interventions to meet the child’s needs are implemented and a Learning Plan is created.  A provision map is used to monitor all interventions, allowing costings and progress to be assessed.

Teaching assistants receive regular training in all areas by the SENDCo. The SENDCo meets every full time with class teachers to review all SEND children in their class.



Prior to an intervention starting, baseline assessments are carried out.  Learning Plan targets are reviewed at least termly and further assessments implemented so that progress can be measured. This may be SEMH progress which is monitored through Boxall assessments, Rainbow Tracking, discussions with class teacher/teaching assistants etc.  various in house academic assessments (such as spelling and reading ages) are used to monitor educational progress.  Where a child has made sufficient progress, they will be removed from the SEND register and monitored through focus/booster groups and quality first teaching in class.  Where a child requires further support, targets may be amended or referrals made to outside agencies to request further advice (Community Paediatrics, Educational Psychologist).  Regular review meetings are held with parents to ensure they are updated on the steps we are taking to support their child.

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