

Maths at Moulton Primary

Maths Written Calculation Progression


It is our intent that children will learn through a mastery approach, which is accessible, deep and achievable for all. They will have fluent knowledge and understanding of the number system with the ability to rapidly recall number facts, in addition to performing written and mental calculations efficiently. They will develop factual, conceptual and procedural fluency through a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach. Through a broad range of skills in applying mathematics, they will solve real life problems and reason about mathematical concepts and make connections. When faced with challenges in new and unusual contexts, children will think independently and persevere, showing confidence in success.

Our mastery approach to mathematics is underpinned by the 5 core components, each designed to support children to become resilient mathematicians; representation and structure, mathematical thinking, variation, fluency.

We are now at the ‘sustaining stage’ of our mastery journey and are supported in this through our involvement with the Enigma Maths Hub.


 Teachers use Essential Maths as a planning tool for maths in school. The set of sequences we use to plan children’s learning is designed by subject experts, rooted in research, covering the full mathematics curriculum from Early Years to Year 6.


  • Children have the same starting point in lessons, with opportunities to either be supported or extended depending upon their learning needs for each concept.
  • The majority of our pupils will move through the curriculum at broadly the same pace.
  • Where a child is working significantly below their year group expectations, they may have separate provision that is designed to meet their specific needs.
  • Learning will be delivered in small steps, with teacher modelling following an ‘I do, we do, you do’ sequence.
  • Our teachers make decisions about the progression of the children based on their level of understanding. Therefore, this allows pupils to be challenged by ‘digging deeper’ and having the opportunity to access a variety of sophisticated problems before any new concepts are introduced.
  • Children solve problems by applying their knowledge to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions. In order to solve a problem, children will draw on one or more problem-solving skills, such as:

-Working systematically
-Trial and improvement
-Logical reasoning
-Spotting patterns
-Working backwards

  • Children are provided with opportunities to make connections and are explicitly taught how to reason mathematically, supported through direct teaching of year group specific vocabulary as well as speaking frames to structure discussion.
  • Teachers ensure children regularly review prior learning using Reactivation Tasks daily. They are completed outside of the maths lesson and revisit important learning from the previous year in order to identify gaps in understanding.
  • In line with our pedagogy for all subjects, daily lessons include a review of the previous day’s learning, modelled examples, scaffolding and support as well as opportunities for independent practice.
  • New learning is presented using the CPA approach as a way to introduce children to a range of representations to aid fluency and variation.


  • Children receive regular feedback on their work to identify their next steps or areas for improvement.
  • Children receive additional support through ‘same day intervention’. They will have regular ‘keep up’ sessions to re-teach content they need more time to understand. This is designed to help children keep pace with the curriculum.
  • We assess children’s understanding using Destination Questions to ensure they are working at the age related expectation.

  • At our main assessment points, children may complete a more formal assessment to inform teachers’ judgements of children’s attainment.
  • For more in depth summative assessment, we use NFER in Years 3-5 each term. Teacher’s use SATs assessments in Year 2 and 6.

  • Gaming is a key part of our approach to mathematics, promoting high levels of engagement from children in lessons.
  • We regularly provide parents and carers with the opportunity to be involved in maths by inviting them into school throughout the year to participate in the games.
  • There are many fun and easily adaptable games and activities which enrich children’s experience of their maths learning and consolidate some of the key concepts taught in class available using the link below. Children can easily access these games at home and will be familiar with many of them from their maths lessons in school.

  • Children across school further consolidate their learning through our homework offer:
  • Year 2 - 6 have a Times Tables Rock Stars account to develop rapid recall of the multiplication facts and are expected to engage with this online resource at home each week.

This can be accessed here:

  • Children in Years 5 and 6 are set weekly homework tasks to practise a previously taught skill.


The impact for children in maths will be that children understand the relevance and importance of each mathematical concept in relation to the real world. Children know that maths is a vital life skill that they will rely on in many areas of their daily life. Children will have a positive view of the subject due to learning in an environment where maths is promoted as exciting; they can investigate and explore the journey of problem solving. Children will take a growth mindset approach to “have a go” and choose the most efficient strategies they think are best suited to each problem.

The curriculum is carefully sequenced and progressive. Each concept is taught within a breadth of different contexts, so that it gains meaning and helps to build schemas. Children are able to think critically about the subject and recall their learning over time.

Pupil’s work demonstrates that maths is taught at an age appropriate standard across each year group, with opportunities for pupils to demonstrate understanding or working at greater depth. Work is of high quality and demonstrates pupils are acquiring knowledge, skills and vocabulary in an appropriate sequence and with an understanding of the interdisciplinary links.

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