Parents Information

At Moulton, the partnership between home and school is one of our key priorities.  We know how important a strong relationship between school and parents is and we will work closely with you to share important information about your child. There will be times when you will need to tell us if there is anything happening at home or school that is affecting them. You may have questions or concerns that you will want to discuss with us and our ‘open door’ policy means that you can speak to us before or after school without an appointment; this is because we believe that no question is too silly or concern too small to discuss with staff and should be tackled before it becomes a problem.

You will be given regular information about what is happening at school from our weekly newsletter, class letters and through Parent Mail emails. Please make sure that we always have an up to date contact number for you in case we need to contact you in an emergency.

We will also tell you about your child’s progress and social and emotional development at our Parent Meetings which take place three times a year and in our pupil progress reports which are produced twice a year. We expect all our parents to attend these meetings as they are a really important part of ensuring the best for your child.

We are working hard to create an ‘open school’ ethos that encourages this partnership. For those of you who drop children off in the morning, you will have noticed that there is always a member of the Senior Leadership Team on the gate, this is so that parents can raise any issues and they can be quickly addressed.

Also, parents can share any concerns with their child’s class teacher by either writing a note in the home-school book or contacting them through Miss Daly in Reception. Alternatively, for quick questions, parents can speak directly to teachers and class teaching assistants in person at the end of the school day. However, for a more detailed discussion, an appointment is usually best.

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