Parental Concerns and Complaints

Responding to Parental Concerns

How are parental concerns managed by the school?

When parents speak to us about a concern, or contact us in other ways (home-school book, letter, email), we will always follow this up and consider what action is required and appropriate to ensure children’s wellbeing.

Teachers are required to record any concerns raised so that these can be evaluated by the school senior leadership team, who will provide guidance and support as needed. This can include looking at patterns or links to previous issues. Higher level concerns may be dealt with by an SLT member, in partnership with the class teacher.

How are concerns recorded?

Effective recording and case management of concerns are central to good safeguarding practice. It is essential that members of the school community understand how to record their concerns, and that those responsible for case management have all the right tools at their fingertips. At Moulton, we use a secure digital platform called My Concern to record safeguarding concerns in a carefully structured and consistent way, leading to effective case management.

What are typical outcomes from concerns and complaints?

The following actions may take place when a concern has been investigated:

  • Sanctions given in-line with school Behaviour Policy: warning, red/yellow cards, written or verbal apology to others, time-out, parents informed.
  • Meeting/phone call with parents of children involved.
  • Further support for children may be necessary - e.g. emotional, social or well-being intervention with class-based staff or the school well-being team.

How do we review/monitor issues?

Previous issues are routinely monitored by the SLT and class-based staff; the following actions may occur:

  • Teachers ‘check-in’ with children to find out if there have been any further problems.
  • Children may be reminded of agreed behaviour targets.
  • Senior staff may review individual concerns to check that issues remain resolved.
  • Parents may receive a follow-up phone-call.


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