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Author Matt Oldfield Vists

Year 5

Recommended Reads

Y5 Website Links

Interactive time tables battles, practice and games:

Times Table Rockstars

Interactive spelling games and activities linked to the Year 5 rules:

Spelling Frame

Interactive maths games that cover all areas of the Maths curriculum:


Printable Maths sheets linked to the Year 5 curriculum:

My Mini Maths

Information about the scheme of work we follow in school for Maths:

White Rose Maths

A range of KS2 resources linked to each of the subject areas:

BBC - bitesize

Welcome to Year 5

  • 5A – Miss Ludlow, Miss Wilson, Mrs Bennett-Evans
  • 5B – Miss Swan, Mrs Brumbill
  • 5C – Mrs Sturgess, Mrs Cheetham


In Y5, we study the following topics throughout the year: “Alchemy Island,” “Pharaohs,” “Princes, Peasants and Pestilence,” “Scream Machine,” and “Stargazers.”   We develop our English skills by promoting the enjoyment of writing for a range of audiences and purposes. Reading is shared and celebrated; challenging class texts are interwoven through our topics and form the basis for whole class reading session.

See the topic maps and Y5 Curriculum Overview on this page for more information about what the children will be learning this year.

Please see our maths learning overview for the year. In all subjects, children are encouraged to deepen understanding rather than accelerate through new content and our curriculum design enables learning through investigation and self-discover.


Children are expected to read at home at least three times a week to an adult. This gives them a chance to discuss their book, check unknown vocabulary and make some predictions. Children self-select books from our amazing library and reading is monitored in class. See the Year 5 Recommended Reads for book ideas.


In Y5 and 6, children have their own homework diary. This is to help them to become more organised and independent. The homework diary needs to be in school every day and the children understand how to use it.

Homework is issued on a Wednesday, to be handed in the following Monday. This will have either an English or Maths focus and be linked to the learning taking place in class. There will also be a topic-themed Learning Log each half term.

Weekly spelling will be taught on a Monday and will be revisited every day in class. All children will be given their spelling list in their homework diary on a Monday to bring home. A little, regular practice and explaining the phoneme sound is the best way to embed these, so please encourage your child to look at the spelling patterns daily.

Children will also continue to practise and revisit the Times Tables as this recall is crucial for their success with Maths in Year 5.

PE kit should be in school all week. We will have our indoor PE lesson on a Wednesday and outdoor Games on a Friday. Please check the school website for details of the kit required.  Outdoor Games will continue unless the weather is really bad, so extra layers will be needed as we get towards winter.  Please make sure that ALL kit is named. No earrings can be worn for sport, so it would be easier if the children didn’t wear them on these days. Long hair must be tied back.

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